
Additional Projects
Educational Communications has, since its inception in 1958, established many projects dedicated to a diverse array of environmental and humanitarian causes. In addition to its eight core projects, the organization has generated significant positive impact through additional projects, some of which are described below:

Campus Greening
Students, interns, and volunteers strive to make their local school campuses and communities more ecological and sustainable by advocating for and initiating environmentally-friendly practices.

Eco-View creates publications that include transcripts of speeches, interviews, and catalogs of audio and visual programs about the world’s environment.

Social Justice and the Arts
Since the 1960s, Social Justice and the Arts has focused on improving community relations, promoting international peace, and developing artistic expression. Through classroom education, film documentaries, video news reports, audio-visual materials, and print articles, social change has been and continues to be conceived.

Ecological Action Checklist
English version: http://www.ecoprojects.org/echecklist.pdf 
Spanish version: http://www.ecoprojects.org/schecklist.pdf, http://www.ecoprojects.org/schecklist2.pdf

Internship and Volunteer Opportunities can be found at www.ecoprojects.org/opportunities.htm.

Educational Communications Home Page (www.ecoprojects.org)