Humanity and the Planet
Humanity and the Planet is a project of Educational Communications that has been aiding and assisting populations worldwide for nearly a decade. Humanity and the Planet’s predecessor, Project “Take to the Hills,” was founded in 2002. And in 2004, Humanity and the Planet continued to provide aid to communities in the Sierra Mountains in Mexico, Rio Sonora, and other regions of northern Mexico.
The project extended its reach to a number of nations and organizations, including Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Kenya, various American Indian reservations, and a number of charitable organizations in southern California. Humanity and the Planet continues to provide aid in the form of clothing, books, supplies, and equipment, as well as educational programs and other assistance.
We are currently helping build a school and orphanage with Goshen K. International in Kogelo,, Kenya, East Africa. We recently assisted them in building a well. Containers of donated items are starting to be shipped again.
Please view the following PDF files should you be interested in submitting items for donation, which will be transported to respective locations and organizations:
Burkina Faso:
Internship and Volunteer Opportunities can be found at
Educational Communications Home Page (