Show Number |
Running Time |
Show Title |
501 |
28:20 |
Plenty of People! |
502 |
28:47 |
Controversy at The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge |
503 |
29:24 |
Carrying Capacity -- What Should It Be and How Do We Get It? |
504 |
28:15 |
Solar Cooking & Yosemite Restoration |
505 |
28:03 |
An African Environmental Education Experience |
506 |
28:30 |
A Look at: "What Is The Limit?" |
507 |
28:20 |
Weapons And the Arms Race -- An Environmental Threat |
508 |
29:15 |
Oil and Marshes Along Our Coastline |
509 |
26:18 |
Attitudes for a Healthy Life and Planet |
510 |
30:22 |
A Look at: "Women For America, For The World" |
511 |
27:40 |
Trapping Fur-Bearing Animals and The Stikine River System |
512 |
30:28 |
Plastic Recycling; Geographical Information Systems; & United Nations Restructuring |
513 |
27:07 |
A Focus on Environmental Education -- Kimbark Elementary School |
514 |
28:49 |
David Brower -- Pioneer Environmentalist |
515 |
28:21 |
A Radioactive Accident on Navajo Lands, Part I |
516 |
26:57 |
A Radioactive Accident on Navajo Lands, Part II |
517 |
29:56 |
Outdoor Schooling In Tulare County |
518 |
27:50 |
Direct Action To Save Eagles & To Stop Toxic Pollution |
519 |
27:44 |
Colorado's Gunnison River & Colombia's City Growth |
520 |
29:33 |
Sacred Cows -- An Ecological Solution |
521 |
27:41 |
From Canyons to Rocks in Los Angeles County Parks |
522 |
30:18 |
Saving Mountain Lions & Recycling Trash |
523 |
30:30 |
Family Planning in Thailand and Indonesia |
524 |
29:16 |
A Choice in Packaging -- Paper Versus Plastic |
525 |
27:31 |
Ecological Ranching and Race Relations |
526 |
27:53 |
Tom Regan: Animal Philosopher and Activist |
527 |
28:39 |
Zero Population Growth, Can We Achieve It? |
528 |
31:09 |
Leaders In The Animal Movement, Part I |
529 |
30:44 |
Leaders In The Animal Movement, Part II |
530 |
28:04 |
Puppets and Nuclear War; Cogeneration And The Energy Crisis; Hong Kong Harbor; & Tigers In The World |
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