Listing for the 1900's Series Program Titles
Show Number |
Running Time |
Show Title |
1901 |
28:01 |
Ecotourism ON-Location Speical: Dr.Arturo Gomez_Pompa’s EL Eden Ecological Reserve outside Cancun, Mexico -- Biological, Ecological, Archaeological, and Botanical Research in the Yucatan Peninsula |
1902 |
29:04 |
Exploring Wild Places, Especially in Nepal and China with Mountaineer Rich Ridgeway, Author of "Below Another Sky: A Mountain Adventure in Search of a Father" |
1903 |
28:46 |
Author Matthew J. Pallamary - Author of "Land Without Evil: Dying Cultures, Vanishing Wisdom", Saving Guarani and Shipibo Indians of South America |
1904 |
28:35 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: Attendees at Habitat II speak on spirituality and religiousity to empower and inspire efforts to improve the human condition. |
1905 |
28:42 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: Best practices models: Worldwide Eco-Village Displays and Exhibits; -- from Albania, The Netherlands, Lebanon, Senegal, India, and other countries: sample mud house construction |
1906 |
28:36 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: Women speak out at Habitat II: Sally N'Dow, wife of Secretary General of Habitat II; Dr.Elizabeth Dodsworth , Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme; and Diane Sherwood, Executive Director of Global Commission to fund The United Nations |
1907 |
28:14 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: |
1908 |
28:57 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: Governmental ministers, officials, and delegates express desired goals during negotiations and for treaty inclusion |
1909 |
28:22 |
Coverage at second United Nations conference on human settlements: Governmental representatives and citizen activists at Habitat II share concerns especially about Kenya's greenbelt movement, Philippine indigenous rights, Music for healing and personal lifestyle changes |
1910 |
28:41 |
Coverage at second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: Wisdom Keepers at Habitat II express views from religious perspectives especially from Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and other faiths; Peace Flag procession |
1911 |
29:06 |
Coverage at second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: Ecoactivists and Leaders at Non-Governmental Forum at Habitat II promote their causes ranging from pilot projects to Global programs of action - Focus on corporate responsibility, the world bank, and nuclear issues |
1912 |
28:23 |
Coverage at second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: Two best practice models featured - Australia's Halifax eco-city project and designs of Buckminster Fuller; Ideas from a mayor of an Indian City |
1913 |
28:33 |
Coverage at second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: featured at non-governmental organization forum - participants at Ecotourism workshop; Deva Beck from Wellness Foundation; Dr. Noel Brown, Executive Director North America United Nations Environment Programme; Graffiti artists from urban courage; Nancy Larson from American Airline Ambassadors |
1914 |
27:44 |
Coverage at second United Nations Conference on human settlements: Urban sustainiblity issues at Habitat II expreessed by Ms Hodge, an international activist, by a film documentarian, and by Dr. Noel Brown, Executive Director of North American, United Nations Environment Programme |
1915 |
28:18 |
Coverage at second United Nations conferene on human settlements: Scenes from international trade show; United Nations Environment Programme's Global 500 Awards; Peace Child Perfomances; and talk by United Nations Human Rights spokesperson; Turkish dancing, and conference Secretary Dr. Wally N'Dow. |
1916 |
27:41 |
On location Ecotourism special: Ojibway Natiure Center, Tall grass prairie reserve, and Holiday Beach recreation area in Essex county near the city of Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
1917 |
28:00 |
On location Ecotourism special: Activities in Essex county, Ontario, Canada including Birdwatching at Hillman Marsh, Nature walks at point Pelee national park, and woodcarving, candy amking, and sculpture viewing in the city of Windsor |
1918 |
27:32 |
On Location Ecotourism special: Shuswap First Nation interpretive program presented by Sandra Gaspard; and horseback riding at the flying "U" Ranch in central British Columbia, Canada |
1919 |
27:38 |
Green medicine with Dr. Stephanie Georgieff -- naturopathic doctor and herbalist speaks on healing with integrity and demonstrates herbs used for medical purposes |
1920 |
27:56 |
Greening of the Fairmont hotels and resorts -- environmental actions by management and staff at luxury hotels in Canada, United States and the Caribbean |
1921 |
27:59 |
On location Ecotourism special: Quebec city and region, an UNESCO historic site; Mountain biking and recreational activities at Mont Sainte Anne; and waterfalls at canyon Sainte Anne in Quebec, Canada |
1922 |
29:07 |
On Location Ecotourism special: nature walk with Bill McIntyre, Long Beach Nature Tour Company, on western edge of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada |
1923 |
27:53 |
On Location Ecotourism special: "Festival D'ETE De Quebec" -- Artists from North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe perform at summer music festival in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada |
1924 |
28:12 |
On Location Ecotourism special: outdoor activities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada -- kayaking with Randy Olivia, Coastal Knights adventures and accommodations; Sea Lions watching with Briam Congdon, subtidal adventures; and presentations about Tauca Lea by the sea by Arthur Ahier; and BC ferries by Doug Cox |
1925 |
27:52 |
Wilderness canoe trip on Thelon River in the Northwest Territories of Canada by Three Seasons In The Wind authors; Michael and Kathleen Pitt |
1926 |
28:41 |
On Location Ecotourism special : In British Columbia, Canada, The Wickaninnish Inn, in Tofino, Vancouver Island; BC rail trip from the southern to northern part of the province; and the Flying "U" Ranch in central British Columbia |
1927 | 28:35 | On Location Ecotourism special: "In Prince Rupert" British Columbia, Canada -- Harbor cruise, Whalewatching, Sea Kayaking, and the North Pacific Historic Fishing Village Museum with Herb Pond |
1928 | 27:37 | Chevron Conservaton Awards Honorees for the year 2000: Dr. Martin Lasalle, Katherin Goodbar, The Department of Parks and Recreation of the city of Baytown in Texas, Melody Page, David Gibson, and Dr. Betsy Deresser |
1929 |
28:36 |
A look at: "Yellow Star Thistle: Managing aninvasive alien species" |
1930 |
28:44 |
Video news reports from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Covering Wildlife Protection, Habitat Restoration, and Historic Re-Creation --Red-Cockaded Woodpecker; Whale Rescue; Swallow-Tailed Kite; Victorian Christmas; Tyler Nature Center; Bird-Busters competition; Disabled trail at Brazos Bend; Shamrock Island; Rock Art; Stripped Bass; and Brown-Headed Cowbird |
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